A reminder for our friends in Washington, DC., Nick Kotz will be speaking at the DCJCC Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival on October 24, 2014 at noon. Hope you can make it!
Tickets go on Sale September 2.
More information:
Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas
A reminder for our friends in Washington, DC., Nick Kotz will be speaking at the DCJCC Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival on October 24, 2014 at noon. Hope you can make it!
Tickets go on Sale September 2.
More information:
MAY 14, 2014 Jewish Immigrants in America. Nick Kotz moderates a panel with Sanford Ungar and Steve Roberts:
Panelists discuss the lessons they learned from studying the lives of their Jewish ancestors who immigrated to the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century. They described their research and spoke about how contemporary immigrant experiences differ from those of their family members. This event was hosted by the National Archives and Records Administration.
Saturday, May 31st, at 2pm EDST, C-SPAN will broadcast the National Archives panel discussion—A Nation of Immigrants: How They Have Shaped America moderated by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and historian Nick Kotz, author of The Harness Maker’s Dream: Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas, and featuring journalists Steven V. Roberts (From Every End of the Earth: 13 Families and the New Lives They Made in America) and Sanford J. Ungar (Fresh Blood: The New American Immigrants)—on their weekend American History TV channel-C-SPAN3. The program title is “Jewish Immigrants in America.”
For additional information about this engaging discussion: http://series.c-span.org/History/Events/Jewish-Immigrants-in-19th-and-20th-Century-America/10737444336/.
To schedule an email alert before the program airs: http://www.c-span.org/video/?319146-1/jewish-immigrants-america.
To check the C-SPAN-3 schedule by time zone: http://www.c-span.org/schedule/?channel=3.
After the broadcast airs, C-SPAN will upload the video to their website.
This National Archives program was presented in partnership with the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington in commemoration of Jewish American Heritage Month.
The National Archives Presents:
A Nation of Immigrants: How They Shaped America (This program is presented in partnership with the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington—in celebration of Jewish History Month) Location: William G. McGowan Theater; National Archives; 7th St. and Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20408.
Panelists: Nick Kotz (The Harness Maker’s Dream: Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas); Steve Roberts (From Every End of the Earth: 13 families and the New Lives They Made in America), and Sanford J. Ungar (Fresh Blood: The New American Immigrants) Details: This program will be presented in conjunction with Jewish-American Heritage Month and in partnership with the Foundation for the National Archives and the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington.
Wednesday, May 14: National Archives
7:00 to 9:00 PM
The awards are for works appearing during calendar year 2013. The Institute was founded in 1936 to recognize literary achievement and to promote interest in Texas literature. Authors must have lived in Texas for at least two years or their works must relate to the state. Texas Institute of Letters Website
Kotz tells KUT's David Brown, host of the forthcoming daily news show Texas Standard, the story of how Nathan Kallison escaped the Cossacks in Russia to the ghettos of Chicago where he became a harness maker."The automobile was starting to roll on the streets of Chicago," Kotz says. "[Nathan Kallison] had vision, and he saw if there were harnesses and saddles that were still going to be used any place, Texas was the best place to go." And Texas is where Nathan Kallison went. Listen to their interview in the Soundcloud player above or on the KUT.org web site: http://kut.org/post/renowned-texas-journalist-shares-family-history-harness-makers-dream
In the new “The Harness Maker’s Dream,” Nick Kotz writes about his grandfather, Nathan Kallison, a notable San Antonio merchant and rancher.
The story echoes that of many Jewish immigrants at that time. A 17-year-old boy with the skills to turn leather into horse harnesses comes to America in 1890 to escape the Cossacks. But Kallison’s story takes a turn. Within four years, he opens his own store in Chicago’s Jewish West Side. Nine years in, he has moved to San Antonio to open up a store that would cater to ranchers and farmers throughout South Central Texas. Within 20 years, he buys a ranch and the family helps champion the Polled Hereford breed of cattle. He revolutionizes ranching and farming when cattle drives were coming to an end and droughts were common.
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