Dallas Jewish Bookfest

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To register for this free event,

go to  http://www.jccdallas.org/main/bookfest-2015.

NICK KOTZ, American journalist, author, and historian, presents his most recent book,The Harness Maker’s Dream: Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas. As a reporter for the Washington Post and the Des Moines Register, and in six path-breaking books, Nick Kotz won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting, the National Magazine Award, two Robert F. Kennedy Awards, and eight other renowned prizes. Among his works are exposés of government corruption and studies of national defense, civil rights, social justice, and labor unions. His most recent book, The Harness Maker’s Dream: Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas, received a 2015 San Antonio Conservation Society Publication Award. The Texas Institute of Letters named it a finalist for their Carr P. Collins Award for Non-fiction.




Texas Events

texas-flagFor our friends in The Lone Star State, here are Nick Kotz’s upcoming events:

October 29: Congregation Beth Israel (7pm);  5600 N Braeswood Blvd; Houston, TX.

October 30: Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research (10:30am); Carriage House at the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research; 5300 Caroline St; Houston, TX  77004.

November 20: Dallas Jewish Historical Society/Dallas JCC (7pm): Aaron Family JCC of Dallas; 7900 Northaven Rd;  Dallas, Texas 75230.

December 3: Downtown Rotary Club (noon); Bright Shawl restaurant; 819 Augusta St; San Antonio, TX 78215.

December 5: The Alamo Research Center (formerly Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library)(2pm); Alamo Hall in the Alamo Complex; 300 Alamo Plaza; San Antonio, TX 78295-1401.